Labels:daily | earth | gazette | grass | reckoner | sky OCR: rocks shadows of passing clouas and few cultivated fields pro- vide interesting color and con trast. Long isolated from the out- side worid, this region one of the few places in the world that until only recently was inacoessi- ble to outsiders This isolation has helped main tain of life almost unchanged for centuries From Pokhara, our small group 0110 We the course of the Kaii Ganda ki majestic and fast- flowing river that has carved deep gorge through the high Hirma alayas in its rush to the plains Climbing up steep canyon, we hike few more days to the walled capital city of Lo Manthang vir tually untouched since the 14th century. We spend two full days here absor rbing grea sense of timelessness and ciation for an ancient culture as we discover the ruins of old forts monasteries rich 1 ...